Wednesday, June 28, 2017

day 15 "news"

so you know how there suppose a solar eclipse sometime this summer well apparently this airline form Alaska is offering a view above the clouds, I don't know how it could get more better then that like you will have the best  view of anyone,  some thousands of feet in the air while a eclipse is happening, that sounds amazing but I bet the ticket prices are crazy." on Aug. 21, leaving only the corona shimmering in the sky, they'll be watching from 35,000 feet (10,700 meters) in the air aboard a charter Alaska Airlines flight." like I'm not even goin to lie I'm kind of jealous of who every gets to be on that plane, I haven't even rode a plane in my life time yet, but I guess I can enjoy it right here on the ground."The airline isn't selling tickets to its high-flying viewing party. Seats are available by invitation only to a select group of astronomers and guests. But Alaska Airlines will give away two seats as part of a marketing promotion beginning July 21 on the company's social media outlets." dayum so you cant even buy a ticket. 

day 15 "writing"

one of the first memory's I have of doing something where I got nervous for was this contest for guitar hero, I was like in grade school or maybe in sixth grade, I forget but I was young, really young and one of the first games I fell, I guess you would say In love with was guitar hero,  I would say it was because of the challenge of hitting each button and having is sync with the music, the music is probably the main reason for liking the game so much, the music was awesome they had the best rock songs on there.   the contest was held at the library, second floor in the room at the top of the stairs, it was there where they had a huge television, or was it a projection, its foggy but it was displayed on a large scale,  so being this little native kid it was awesome, I recall seeing a bunch of kids, well a decent size crowd gathered in the room, everyone was older then I was, probably like in high school or eighth graders, for some reason everyone looked big I guess me being a wee lad, was intimidated by freshmen, I went through defeating my challengers, up until she faced me, I don't know who she was or anything about her. she pulled her card and picked a song, this song wasn't my favorite so I hardly played the song anyway, this is where she had the upper hand, so we where shredding and the rift to the song was tricky that is where I fell behind, so my defeat was at the hands of this female, I wasn't even butt hurt because I was probably top five and better then more then half the room, I do take pride in the fact that I was significantly younger  then here I do remember that. After all that was over I remember like the fallowing day my ma found me in the newspaper, so I thought that was pretty cool, my ma cut out the picture. so I guess that was one of the things I thing about from time to time, I don't really shred on guitar hero all that often anymore, its not because I outgrew it but simply because I don't own it for  the PlayStation, eventually I will get it once again and shred, only if It actually taught you how to actually shred on a guitar, if it did I would be shredding like slash, Joe Perry or even buckethead, I guess I can pick up a guitar an learn but nothings like guitar hero.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

day 14 "news"

so apparently Donald trump is still taking shots at Obama, so I mean its nothing new but it just grinds my gears when this bozo keeps hating on Barack, after he did so much for this country, you know something , I have a feeling that Mr. Trump just can fill the shoes that Barack left, an so in retaliation he's going to keep hating on Barack and run this country in the dirt. I don't know why trump still somehow finds something to hate on him with,"The President is unloading a barrage of attacks on Barack Obama, questioning his motivations in the Russia drama and taking aim at his political legacy" Like, How is this relevant to Mr. Trumps presidency, an Barack  just Chilin."former president say he has no desire to get dragged into a direct confrontation" man I feel bad for Obama, he finally finishes 8 stress filled  years in office and he still getting hate. smh.

day 14 "writing"

the tiny house "movement" has been a thing for a while I believe, I like the idea of having a nice small, neat comfortable living area for max of like 3-4 people anymore then that then it might get to crowded.  I would consider having a tiny house if I where doing something for a certain amount of time, like if I were to move somewhere for school or to do who knows what, but in a situation like that then I would think having a tiny house would be perfect, I like how compact they look , it gives it a cozy vibe, also I wonder how a durable they are, but other then that I don't thing I would catch myself living my life in one of them, I wouldn't want to live there with my family, I like to have space and as you can tell those are not all about giving you activity space, especially with little ones.  I like the idea of building tiny houses here, for one there funny to look at and I feel like eventually there might be like hundreds of them here like a trailer park but tiny houses, that would be awesome, I also find the fact that you could literally move like everything you own easily. when they where talking about how this is going to give more of the working class options I feel like most of the working class already have children and such I think the tiny house movement is for those who are just starting out, living on there own, because I believe  having a tiny house for you first house would be kind of cool and you can see what its like and whatever.

Monday, June 26, 2017

day 13 "news"

I don't know about you but I definitely do believe in the idea of extraterrestrials. like come on. Do you think we are the only ones in the entire everything. but if that was the case then that would be scary to think about. space for some reason I find vary interesting, its one of the most interesting things ever to thing about, we know so much but we know so little about space, one can ponder about the stars for ever, and one of the things that seem so always pop up in my head is the idea of meeting aliens, so when I read NASA and aliens, first of all I'm not surprised NASA probably been knowing of aliens but then I read "confirm" Then all of a sudden its all the more interesting."Anonymous, the global hacking collective, believes that alien life exists—and it thinks that NASA is about to confirm it." I feel like there going to do it because if not then Anonymous will go ahead and do it for them but either way the people need to hear. " NASA is probably closer than ever in human history to discovering extraterrestrial life, it is a big jump to say that there’s already concrete evidence for it." that was what I was saying, like NASAs probably already had conversations with aliens by now I would be surprised if they did.

day 13 "writing"

The film "Princess Bride" is one of the better movies I've seen recently, even though it’s been out for quite some time now but that doesn't matter,  the film is a  classic comedy and has some iconic people who make appearances in the film with people like Andre the giant(R.I.P) who plays as Fezzik the Giant, and Billy Crystal  unrecognizable behind makeup, as an ancient wizard,  basically all the cast are well known actors, and they all did an awesome job in this film,  I would say this is some good family comedy, I would say Roger Ebert agrees when he writes “It is filled with good-hearted fun, with performances by actors who seem to be smacking their lips and by a certain true innocence that survives all of Reiner's satire." in an essence Roger explains how the actors can communicate well with each other, also I found the whole set up with the kid being sick and his old grandpa coming in and reading him a story, I thought that was cool, I see that theme in some old scary movies like tales from the crypt(which by the way is coming out with a new TV series this year) and other spookie movies,  but I think it suited the movie just right, nothing felt out of place, I thought all the actors acted their roles perfect, Especially the dude who was to avenge his father’s death, he was funny I was rooting for him from the start, I loved it when he said the line" Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die." or when the leader guy in the band of thieves keeps on saying “INCONCEVIBLE” then that one guys chimes in “I do not think it means what you think I means” lol man just thinking of it. Forever a classic.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

day 12 "news"

I wish something would have happened to have gotten my school on national news, but nothing crazy I was thinking more like what these "schoolboys" did at there's. "Schoolboys Wore Skirts To Protest Against Their School's "No Shorts" Uniform Policy" I would have totally would have done something like this if I was cursed with a bogus "No Shorts" policy."there were around 50 to 70 young boys wearing skirts due to the hot weather. Yesterday was said to be the hottest June day in 41 years, reaching 34°C." that's a lot of boys walking around in skirts,  that must o been fun to see, but I guess they look like kilts. When asked about the situation, "the girls said the skirts suited the boys." ha something that would be said but overall i would say its a just a fun protest.

day 12 "writing"

yesterday we made our way around down town to main square and went inside that mini mall building, where we cooled it and wondered in an out of the different stores but the toy store they got in there is pretty cool,  like you can literally go in there and play with all sorts of toys,  I don know why but I was having a blast in side of there, but eventually we got to talking to the boss of the place, I asked something along the lines, what's it like owning a business  I got a response of "awesome" she, I forgot her name  it was something like Johana or something with a j, but she further explained why she enjoyed it so much, she said she likes kids it was either that or teaching but I can understand why, she also said she doesn't dread coming to work she further went on about how it was exciting but same time how she was nervous her first weeks. she said you have to come or be committed, she said some other stuff like what she had to do to be where she but its vague.  that was the only place where the owner was present but still got some good insight. in the world of an business,  I could see my self in the business world and fining pleasure in it but do I have my future dead locked on having a business no, but if i do decide to go head, I'm not going to doubt my business idea because it seems like you would have to go in head first all or nothing, ok maybe not that far but still invest my time and energy into with my full dedication at play, is seems fun trying to start you own business because then you the shot caller , the big boss  but on the other hand if it doesn't work or you take financial tumble or something, whos the one to blame. I would want to go in business with someone  I know and trust one hundred percent because I feel like then both of you would be able to be on the same level and go further but there would have to be rules and barriers that would have to be implemented.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

day 11 "news"

so I guess if you want a child to be a nerd just have your child at an older age."researchers tested 15,000 sets of British twins, taking note of their geek-like characteristics. These traits included IQ, focus on subjects, social aloofness, whether one activity takes up much of their time and how much they care what their peers think of them." I'm not sure if the phrase "geek like characteristics" is an actually a thing but it sounds funny, I wonder how they classified what qualifies has characteristics.  I don't know how much I believe this,  I feel like there just more nerdy geek like because this generation just stares into a screen all day, seems like my early years where spent out side like all day,  playing on the trampoline adventuring making forts and  stuff a boys do,  but now and days kids are locked in front of a screen, complaining about the graphics contemplating upgrading to next gen,
but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles.

day 11 "writing"

I found to have come to a liking to this movie,  I feel like this movie is so good because all age groups can watch and think about it.  but the satire in this movie,  I think they where clowning the people of this world by making an animation of the world over ran by garbage its every where, the movie was saying , or tying to say was along the lines of like if we keep up our bad habits  then to an extreme ,we would kill the planet and have to leave. also I feel like shots where fired at the government to because they where depicting that the government let the environment and pollution get so bad to where all live on earth seizes to exist.  probably one of the most obvious satirical jokes in the movie was the way the humans where, it was like every one was blind and overweight, no one did anything everything was done for them by robots, also I feel like they poked fun the fact that one day we might have robots doing everyday things for us on the regular, I feel like every one on that ship was dumb or not knowing of the basics. the way  Dave Calhoun presents the idea, "humans again take a back seat" literally, that's all humans do in this movie is sit, and if they fall out of there chairs they need assistance, every one on the ship is dependent on the robots Dave puts it, "living on a self-sufficient spaceship, waited on by robots, sucking on straws – they’re fat, sedentary, greedy and unpleasant." basically the characteristics of everyone aboard  overall though great movie.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

day 10 "news"

so you know how global warming has been a think for like a while,  well places where it is already hot are breaking records,"California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Sin City will be sun city Tuesday and Wednesday, when forecast highs of 117 and 116 could break records for those days," that would suck like that's to hot to do anything, its going to be so hot that they already called for a power conservation."The California Independent System Operator Corporation, which manages 80% of the state's power grid, issued a statewide call for voluntary conservation from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday." I'm glad that I live right here in the middle of the country,  we get he best of both worlds.

day 10 "writing"

I think that people take risks for adventure because its fun and feels good, I can only imagine doin what some of those folk did you listed,  the adrenaline they probably get,  like I like to long board around, rapid city is a great place to do so,  with all the hills and such, but what is most fun is you at the top of a hill,  about to bomb a hill, and for some reason the more sketchy it is, and you make it without wiping out the better it feels, an awesome surge of adrenaline from speed wobbles, or when you climb up the side of a hill to jump from the summit, right before you hit the water, in moments  like this the feeling you get is weird, feels like a mixture of  "this is awesome" and "I'm going to die" moments like this I feel the most alive, its like a natural high. for those people who can only wish of doing what some of these folk do, that's what YouTube is for, man I love to watch people doing crazy feats,  because honestly most can only wish to replicate or mimic like a hero of some sort.

Monday, June 19, 2017

week 2 "ESSAY"

A hero is not some super human with crazy powers and strength  but someone who you can look up to and wonder how that person is that way, how he does what he does so effortlessly, someone who you would mimic. I feel like that's what makes a real hero, but characteristics of a modern day hero are more tuff to pick out unlike the made up heroes of comics and TV cartoons so whom I thought would have the best traits, characteristics to represent America would be someone like batman. batman is more then a guy in tights and gadgets.  He witnesses the murder of his parents and ever since then has been on a mission for justice, people argue wither batman is crazy psychopath or not,Bruce is a man of intense will and self-discipline, he's super smart in all of the categories, science math all of it,  he can fight he knows like all the different forms of martial arts and is like a master of all, he is also a detective and makes all his own things he's also probably really sneaky and he kind of disappears.  well what, how do these traits relate to America, I see it like more and more kids in America are witnesses to the murders of love ones and even parents but most of theses kids are not on a mission of justice,  most are just troubled. Some still argue wither batman Is crazy or not, kind of like how people see America now and days, you always hear on the news about someone doing something no one thought someone would do. Then you always hear how a community somewhere is doing something so amazing and there's always that comeback story the team with the intense will to strive for victory like all the wars we got in to intentionally or not. What does America want really though a generation of  young albert einsteins or a generation of young people who love what they do, seems like all throughout my schooling career,  the focus in school was math, science, English, you cant even express your self in these divisions of the mental prison, it wasn't all that bad I must say I found certain branches of science to intrigue me,  you cant argue that English is a necessity, but math,  that's a discussion. America wants really smart ones. Batman knows how to open a can a whoop, that relates to how America also knows how to open such a can, we spend like millions and billions on our military to be the worlds toughest, strongest. Bruce also makes his own gadget's kind of like how America likes for its gadgets to be made in America, even though its not, Bruce, what most do not pick up on is that he Is one heck of a detective, so he knows how to hide evidence he knows how to make a crime scene unsolvable, he knows, like how America knows how to get what it wants, a truly sneaky person batman is but what a truly sneaky nation America is.

day 9 "news"

so the police still out and about killing people,"Seattle police fatally shoot black mother of four who they say confronted officers with a knife" that's a crazy sounding headline, but man how come they done gone shot a mother who had a knife,  why did they resort to a gun,  where's the tazer, where's the mace."Seattle police officers shot and killed a 30-year-old mother of four at her apartment Sunday morning in front of “several children”" I feel like she must of  have had to have been absolutely going crazy for a police officer to feel like he has the authority to shoot and kill this lady in front of "several children" "She was three months pregnant with her fifth child, her family said, and too “tiny” for officers to have felt threatened by her — even if she had a knife." any excuse to pull the trigger I guess.

day 9 "daily writing"

this review was written before my mom was born, but beside the point I wasn't aware of the fact that this movie is not even American made."The European-made, English-dubbed, Mexican-localized Western" also the dude who made the review made a good point, saying that the movie did use like about every Western cliché which is probably why it doesn't feel foreign to me. the dude also stated," egregiously synthetic but engrossingly morbid, violent film" I feel like there's to much descriptive criticism for such a simple cowboy western movie,  especially how the movie had like no fowl lingo and wasn't even that gory looking,  I wish some of these professional reviewers from way back in the day, like around when this came out would review the movies that release now and days.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

day 8 "NEWS"

so this is kind of hard core."A Maine woman says a rabid raccoon attacked her while she was out for a run, so she drowned it in a puddle." but I guess that's what most people would have done I mean like that's kind a smart thinking like it has rabies you don't want to get bit in the torso area, you shouldn't get bit in any area."Rachel Borch, of Hope, says she was running in woods near her home June 2 when she saw the raccoon charging with its teeth bared. She says she knew the animal was going to bite her, so she held out her hands so it would bite her there." I guess that would be that best spot to get bitten by a rabid animal."The 21-year-old says she then noticed a puddle in a nearby swampy area. She ran over with the rabid animal still biting down on her thumb and held its head underwater until it drowned." That's when the story gets crazy, like this is probably someone's mom but any way hope she's all right.

day 8 "WRITING"

I'm not sure if this counts as a symbol but I think so, but right before actually going down town when we went through the park, I stopped before and looked a the berlin wall thing and they had those anti-tank obstacles, I figured that could be a symbol of like war, hatred or like maybe for some it could be like a symbol of lost loved ones or something, also while I was taking my stroll I went to go and admired the fountain,  that to is a symbol."Water has long been seen as symbolic of the ambrosia of eternity." and all the flowers all have different meanings."'Various folk cultures and traditions assign the symbolic meanings to plants". you can even say that huge rock at the park is s symbol for something, it probably does but I don't know you can even say the park as a whole is a symbol.  also all the old buildings we got downtown there some symbols then there was like the firestone tire symbol,  lest me know when someone has some good tires.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 7 "NEWS"

Apparently there been a find that proves theirs been older human fossils that date back really long time ago."These Early Humans Lived 300,000 Years Ago—But Had Modern Faces" so I'm guessing this doesn't include like cavemen and such but "That’s because these people bear many striking similarities to modern humans even though they lived well before what may be the oldest fossil evidence of Homo sapiens, from a site in Ethiopia dated to about 195,000 years ago." so that was quit a find it was almost twice as old as the oldest they had of fossils.

Day 7 "WRITING "

In the future, I feel like everyone will be dressed a little bit different but not much I'm talking like 50-100 years down the road though so who know maybe we will all be dressed in hazard suits and have gas masks on. hopefully that's not the case though, but if you do think about it 100 years ago, everyone was dressing different, 100 years prier every one was where garments and when the women where wearing that corset thingy or what ever it was, the metal dress thing, so I do consider that in a 100 years it may be a lot more different then I think but who knows.  For a fact the technology in the future is going to be far superior to what we have today,  fifty years ago, cant compare to the tech today, do I see city's of metal and highways of flying cars, probably a city of metal and a new type of law enforcement system,  it would probably even be worse if more people like trump gets to be a leader of a major world power, ok maybe some one like Kim Jong-un, besides the point I do feel like something crazy is going to happen wither a war or a natural weather disaster like Yellowstone,  but that might be more like a couple 100 years probably thousands of years,  but by then we probably been hit by a huge asteroid, blown to smithereens or concord by some type of alien race  have the war of all wars for the first time in history mankind will have to come together as one. I wonder if every one would , probably not knowing how people tend not to get along, but by then, who know we could have perfected space flight technology and manage to get a good amount of people of all regions of the world on an other planet in another galaxy, maybe in another realm, or maybe some type of awaking,  where everyone realizes what's really happing around them.  What if noting happened,  and we all just  live and die and the world just spins around a ball of fire for eternity.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Response to Frederick Douglass

one of the depictions that he described with great detail, leaving an unpleasing image in my mind, was when he was living in Baltimore and he was living with Mr. and Mrs. Auld and he i think saw or walked in on one of his neighbor slave friend tied up and with lashes all over her back with ridges of skin like an inch high and how bloodied she was from the base of the neck down past the waist,  or it was the part when he was describing when some of the slaves are being disobedient, like this one guy for got his name but he like just got whipped so he jumps in the creek to ease the pain but master was not having it, so he's like counting down from like 5 or what ever saying if you don't come out ima blast your head off,  so he's counting and gets to zero and guess who hasn't moved ,  so he completely removes that slaves head with a pull of a trigger.

daily news

On August 21, people across the U.S. will see day turn to night as a total solar eclipse passes over North America. The last time the path of a total solar eclipse passed across the country from coast to coast was 1918, so this year’s event is, as expected, generating considerable excitement. I personally don't think I have ever seen an eclipse in real life, so I guess you can say that I'm looking forward to this,  also I like stars and space in general,  every time I get lost in thought thinking thoughts of the vast unknown, hopefully its a  clear day.

daily writing

I kind of do I kind of don't agree with him, like I don't get why you would even be around a hate group(mob) in the first place so I done really see how one of them would be a scapegoat unless like the law got involved and someone was going in for It then maybe then one would be a scapegoat but for one to feel as if the mob might turn on them, then I say, go home, but when he says “I think the scariest thing to me is humanity, it’s people. It’s what we’re capable of when we have permission from the people around us. We’re capable of the worst monstrosities" I one hundred percent agree with him on this statement, I mean just look at any history book really, humans are beasts.  also never seen that movie get out yet, wonder if its any good?

Monday, June 12, 2017


I said it once ill say it again,  Donald trump is a presidential joke,  still don't know why, or how this guy became president like even the former  2008 Republican presidential nominee McCain was liking Obama more then trump. this is what he(McCain)had to say in an interview published Sunday, "if America's standing on the global stage was better under Obama than President Donald Trump". ""As far as American leadership is concerned, yes," McCain said. so that's that, I have a feeling that trump wont be president for much to long, hopefully.
Daily writing-

I feel like she is talking about the main stream what's only on the surface,  also she didn't give credit to those where credit is deserved, you know not every one is listing to the whack music that's out,, or use of profanity,  and plus I feel like it still isn't a problem,  yes there are those kids whos manners aren't the best but whos to blame for that,  the parent or the kid.  which brings me to the next point of it really only comes down to what type of person you are,  now and days there's  a lot of rude people out also how can she blame a generation, like what to her is a generation, I feel like there's a lot of old past and new type of things happing now and days to where you cant pin point to a generation but to the public,  it feels like everyone is goin crazy the world really and that's the cause for the wild behavior of the youth and the controversial media that comes out but not no generations to blame.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Dry Drowning" news

so back when memorial weekend was in affect, a family's worst day was in devolvement.

"A four-year-old boy from Houston, Texas has died of “dry drowning” almost a week after he last went swimming."  that's rough, my condolences go out to the family, but when I read the head line and it said died a whole week later after swimming I didn't understand at first," Dry drowning occurs after a child inhales water through the nose or mouth and the liquid gets into the lungs" but still kind of fuzzy how a whole week could go by. there are tale, tale signs of symptoms of dry drowning and ways to prevent it."Symptoms of dry drowning can include coughing, fever, vomiting, mood swings and struggling for breath...Symptoms could appear 24 to 48 hours after inhaling water",“If a kid chokes or sputters after going under water but seems fine, he doesn’t need to go to the hospital,” Pitetti said. “But if several hours later he starts breathing faster and is finding it harder to breathe and starts coughing a lot, then you want to bring him in.”
"Daily writing prompt"

I agree with the article because he covered all the reason why this such an good movie also the review on the movie was a short story, but he said something about how this movie was like well balanced with the category's it can be placed under. " it has a little of everything - comedy, action, adventure, drama, romance, and whimsy. It's hard to ask for much more than what this movie delivers." a movie with such a diverse plot, setting, theme its no wonder the movie gets its praises from movie fanatics an alike."Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid remains one of the best crafted and most beloved of all the Westerns." I would believe it,  I'm not the type to want to pick out a western movie to watch,  but if more where like this then I would have been a bigger fan long ago. also I didn't know that this was based off of actual people and events,  but that just makes it that much more. "The film can be loosely divided into three sections: the introduction, the posse chase, and the Bolivia adventures" I didn't really think about it but the movie is kind of split up in to chapters or sections also the soundtrack, the piano in the begging was great, I don't know why but I really like it, over all I enjoyed the movie way more then I thought I was going to.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

"New Flavor"  news reading

so this may not seem like big news but this product has been part of my life since I was a mere boy.  Frito-Lay the brand behind the dank Flamin hot Cheetos has finally come out with a new flavor, they introduced  its Flamin’ Hot Chipotle Ranch Cheetos  and its already in stores across the nation,  like isn't that crazy, they where planned to be released sometime in July but ahead of schedule they are.  I don't know how its goin to taste, but from the source, apparently there pretty tasty, they can be found at Safeway, Walgreens basically every where, but I need to try this product
"Music" daily writing prompt

public singing is for those whos voice is not annoying or raspy, or for those in a mass of people who need to be united, as one ,  you know public singing is for the brave if going to be done alone,  or for the rowdy bunch  but I like when only one person is singing, because then it more clear , and you can appreciate  it more as an art and the song, but when its like a group thing,, then it can really bring a bunch together,  it makes a type of energy.  what that Andy guy and Linda person  said is pretty much right on point with what happing now and days because I think its more about the image of like an American singing the anthem,  but I like what that Andy guy said about how now we just sit, listen and "enjoy as someone else demonstrates skill and courage.”

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"Trump's Paris climate" daily news

basically its just trump being a jackass not thinking about the future or nothing not even people, but power and money, well  In 2015, representatives of 195 nations met in Paris and agreed to take steps designed to keep global temperature increases below 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid potentially devastating consequences related to sea level rise or extreme weather. like that's the right direction the world needs to be moving but this trump guy just keeps acting a fool I don't understand how this bowzo became the president of the united states but any way he pulled American out of this deal that Obama help set up, man why does trump hate and my boy Obama so much its embarrassing for him like he's must be like jealous how much Obama actually impacted the U.S. and how awesome he was but I guess haters going to hate.

"Any good" daily writing promp

rapid city south Dakota is becoming or is going to be the spot to live because there's more and more people on this planet and the only ones who still have room is the mid west states also the black hills are so beautiful, and majestic,  there's no other place like it on earth the views and the lovely smell of pine trees, with all the wild life, I believe that the black hills will probably be one of the last nature preserves.  also growing up here in rapid city for sum 18 years I've had a lot of time to see all the different types of peoples here but for the most part most everyone here is nice, friendly but no where is perfect, of course   theirs the d-bags and the racists but rapid isn't crime ridden or stuck with extreme poverty,  the only down side is I think I that there isn't that much opportunity here in south Dakota, like business wise trying to get a fine career  to pursue ,  but there's is  much activity's that can be done here,  also the reasons for the city's growth, like biking in the hills rock climbing swimming, hiking ,cliff diving  the list keeps going, over all if you wanted to travel, I would say that rapid city's a great place to visit

Monday, June 5, 2017

who am I,  is the question of many, but at this moment in time I think I have a fairly good idea of what makes up I and what I stand for as an individual.  I don't like to judge, because I don't like to be judged, but I'm for constructive criticism like critiquing a piece of art work,  there are obvious things and things that can only be interpreted unless one has been my acquaintance for a good long while.    I found that loyalty and honesty are the biggest attributes missing from people, so I try to stay with it, unless someone I know close , done did something and someone comes asking things,  all I'm goin to reply with is I don't know,  but if its just like a straight scum bag then that's a different story,  as I get older in life I kind of realize that i can be doin these foolish things no mo, and if you want to get anywhere , work is required, but any one can work , the same job every day , like a straight robot, and  its all for money like i get that part but don know why some people still work the job that causes head ach and stress , all i want in life is to enjoy my life but is all wack, you have to have all these things,  but i seem to be making it work but life's fool of surprises  also i feel like life isn't suppose to be spent in a single location on this planet i feel like were suppose to travel migrate, be exposed to the rest of the world like i feel like people are in there own bubble and are not aware of what's happing. how messed up the environment is getting , the ocean fish are getting toxic to eat the poles are getting melted , holes in the ozone's its a sad mess.