Monday, July 10, 2017

day 21 "writing"

for my list I'm going to bash those who do irritating things at the gym.
I strongly dislike when people go to the gym and are on there phone for most the time they are there.
I don't like it when people go to the gym and  don't have a goal, they kind of their just to say they where their and sit around a lot on their phone it demotivates me, I get pumped when I see someone going hard it makes me want to push it.
I really strongly dislike it when people go to the gym with their buddy or what ever and decide to have their conversation at the gym, like its cool if you happen to see a friend and you know say what's up and things but after that conversions has surpassed the five minute mark then its getting in deep, it really grinds my gears when people decide to sit on the equipment and have those conversation.
I despise those people who think the gym is theirs or something, like they'll be on like half the equipment, leave weights everywhere or they might leave a sweaty mess, like its not asking much, just be  courteous
I really bothers me when there's that ego lifter, who thinks there all that, always trying to be lifting the heaviest  weight, straining the whole body just to do one rep, like its ok to max out but lets get warmed up.
Just a few little things that I don't enjoy at the gym

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